Yusufzoda Abdujabbor
* Since December 4, 2020, he has been working as Director of the Forestry Agency under the Government of the Republic
of Tajikistan
* Year of birth: April 18, 1982 * Place of birth Bokhtar city
* Tajik by nationality * High education
* in 2004, the Tajik Institute of Taxes and Rights (full-time), in 2016, the Tajik Agrarian University named after
Shirinshoh Shohtemur (in absentia)
* Specialty lawyer, agronomist
*Has no academic degree
* Has a medal for services to the Fatherland
* Speaks Russian.
* Deputy of the Majlis of People's Deputies of Khatlon Province
*Family man
* Address of Khatlon region, Kushaniyensky district, rural jamoat Zargar
* Work and previous activities:
In 2004 - 2005
Seller of the Zargar jamoat goods store, Bokhtar city
2005 – 2011
Chairman of the production cooperative named after A. Jami, Bokhtar district
2011 – 2014
First Deputy Chairman of the rural jamoat Zargar, Bokhtar district
2014 – 2019
Chairman of the Zargar Jamoat, Bokhtar district
2019 – 2020
Chairman of the trade cooperative "grandfather Yusuf Juratshah" of Bokhtar district
2020 (08 - 12)
Head of the Department of Agriculture of the Kushaniyansky district
From December 2020 to the present "Director of the Forestry Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan"
SHARIFZODA Davlatali Juma
* Since February 2022, he has been working as Deputy Director of the Forestry Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan
* Year of birth: November 1, 1967 * Place of birth: Farkhor district
* Tajik by nationality * Higher education
* Graduated from the Forestry Institute of Lviv in 1992 .
* Specialty: Forestry engineer and parks and gardens
*Has no academic degree
*Knowledge of languages: Russian and English
*Is not a member of the Majlis of People's Deputies
* Has no state awards
*Marital status: Married
* Address Dushanbe city, Firdavsi district, Kakhhorova Street, 9 aisles, house 15
* Work and previous activity: 1985 (09-10)
Student of Lviv Technical Forest University, Republic of Ukraine
He served in the ranks of the USSR Armed Forces, from an ordinary soldier to a senior sergeant, HF 03207 and 26709, RF
Student of Lviv Technical Forestry University, Republic of Ukraine
I.V. Senior forester of forestry of Shuroabad district
Specialist of the Environmental Protection Department of Farkhor district
Forestry of the Varzob district
Specialist of the Department of Nature Reserves and Parks of the State Institution of Specially Protected Natural Territories of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan
Chief Specialist of the Hunting Department of the Forestry Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan
Head of the State Forest Inspection and Hunting Agency of Forestry under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan
Head of the Forestry Department of the Forestry Agency of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan
Deputy Director of the State Institution of Specially Protected Natural Territories and National Parks of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan
From February 2022 to the present
Deputy Director of the Forestry Agency of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan
NAZARZODA Nematullo Ibrohim
* Works as Deputy Director of the Forestry Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan since April 2022
*Year of birth 23 Sep 1969
*Place of birth Vahdat city
*Tajik by nationality
*higher education
* graduated from Dushanbe Polytechnic University (full-time) in 1991, and graduated from Shokhtemur Tajik Agricultural University (part-time)in 2018
* Specialty of the technician-forestry, fruit and vegetable growing and viticulture
*Does not have a scientific title
*What foreign languages does speak: Russian
* Representative of the House of Representatives or not: since 2015 Member of the House of Representatives.
resident of the Vakhdat city
* Awarded state awards or not: no
* Marital status: Married
* Address: Vakhdat city, Niholparvar village, A. Abdulvosiev rural community
* Work and previous activities:
1987-1991 |
student of Dushanbe Polytechnic College |
1991-1993 |
- forester of the Nurek forestry. |
1993-1996 |
engineer for forestry and reforestation of Kofarnihansky district. |
1996-2010 |
Agronomist of the Vakhdat nursery. |
2010-2022 |
Director of the State Unitary Plant-growing Enterprise of Vakhdat city. |
April 2022-present - |
Deputy Director of the Forestry Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan |
25 January 2017 13:00
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