Forestry in Tajikistan received state status in the 1930s. The first forestry enterprises of Tajikistan were the forestry enterprises of the upper Valleys, Kurgan-Tube, Sarikhosor and Shakhristan. The area of Tajikistan's forestry lands was unknown at that time, but it is clear that during the same period 23% of the republic's territory was under forests.
Until 1946, the forestry authority functioned as the main directorate within the Ministry of Agriculture of the Tajik SSR, and in 1947 - as the Ministry of Forestry of the Tajik SSR. The total area of the State Fund of Forest Lands for this period is already 2 million hectares has been achieved. During this period, the ecological significance of tropical forests was not taken into account. The result of this was that in 1953 the Ministry of Forestry of the Tajik SSR was again transformed into the Main Forestry Department under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Tajik SSR. During this period, the productivity of many forestry workers in the field of horticulture and viticulture decreased. Most of the orchards and vineyards built by woodpeckers were tied to collective farms and state farms. The concern was that most of the lands of the state forest fund for long-term use as pastures were tied to agricultural structures, which hindered the development of the industry in the direction of construction and restoration of forests and continues to this day.
In the 60s, the importance of forests in improving the ecological situation and rational use of its resources was felt, and it was necessary that back in 1966, with the participation of ministers of the Tajik SSR, the State Forestry Committee of the Tajik SSR was formed. The State Committee consisted of the following farms: Pamir, Leninabad, Kurgan-Tube, lab, Aini, Asht, Penjikent, Shakhrestan, Dangara, Dashtijum, Moscow, Ordzhenikidzeabad, Shakhrinav, Chirgatol, Sarikhosor, Khovaling and reserves "Palangan forest", "Romit".
With the formation of the State Forestry Committee, the first meetings of the forest structure (forest management) were held, which determined the long-term plan for the construction and operation of forests in the country. During this period, mechanized forest reclamation stations were formed.
To provide forestry with specialists, the Faculty of Forestry was established in 1964 at the Polytechnic College of Dushanbe.
Scientific work was carried out on the basis of special programs. For the development of the industry, scientific achievements of forestry scientists T. Holdorov, G. Sapozhnikov, Yu. Malatkovsky, U. Chernova, V.I. Zapryagaeva, Ovchinnikov.N., Makhmudov. And I. Kanunov are very big.
Since 1972, by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, 14 nature reserves for the study of flora and fauna have been created.
In 1973, 45 heads of deer were brought from the Russian Federation to Tajikistan to develop the field of hunting, which are still grown on a farm in the Karatakh forest in the amount of 200 heads.
In 1980, for the development of the industry, it became necessary to create auxiliary farms for forestry, such as animal husbandry, beekeeping, agricultural production, processing of forest products. In this regard, horse breeding farms, beekeeping, cattle breeding, animal husbandry, a feed processing shop, a timber processing plant have been created in the industry.
In the 1980s, the State Forestry Committee consisted of 22 - forestry, 3 – nature reserve, 2 – sarraesat, 1-production association of regional forestry. During this period, 3 experimental forest zones were organized for the study of pistachio crops in the Dangara forestry, for the study of nuts in the Ordzhenikidzeabad forestry and Varzob, for the study of spruce in the Shakhristan forestry.
The sphere of hunting has been under the direction of forestry authorities since the 1960s and hunting activities are carried out on the basis of the Regulations on Hunting and Hunting Farms approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 324 of July 16, 1997.
Several forest and hunting farms were created to organize hunting and prepare hunting products. These were the state forest and hunting farms of karatakh, Kofarnihan, Shakhristan, Tavildara, Chirgatol and Garm. These farms were engaged in hunting for foreigners, earning very large incomes on this.
The State Forestry Committee of the Tajik SSR functioned until February 1989. In July 1990, the first Congress of Foresters of the Tajik SSR was held in Dushanbe, which was attended by 152 representatives of forestry.
As our republic became independent, despite a number of problems, forestry workers did not stop their activities and worked conscientiously. During this period, a number of regulatory legal acts of the industry were adopted, such as the Forest Code of the Republic of Tajikistan (1993), the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on fines for the devastation of forests (1996), the Regulation on Hunting (1997), the Regulation on State Affairs for the Protection of Forests (1999) and other regulatory and legal acts of the industry. Along with this, in 1998, by decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Scientific Research and Search Institute of Forestry of the Republic of Tajikistan was established as part of the Forestry Production Association of the Republic of Tajikistan.
In 1998, the Sheikh Kadmb of Forestry was formed at the Faculty of Horticulture of the Tajik Agrarian University, which annually trains up to 25 people.
For the development of the industry, seven new forestry enterprises were created in 1997-1998, including mountain-stone forestry, Uroteppa, Nurek, Rogun, Dashtijum, Sarikhosor and Baldzhuvan.
In 2000, as part of the Forestry production association of the Republic of Tajikistan, the fourth state reserve, the Zorkul Reserve, was created on the basis of the village of Zorkul.
At a new stage of economic development of the Republic in the process of analyzing public administration, the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, by Resolution No. 68 of February 17, 2004, liquidated the Forestry Production Association of the Republic of Tajikistan and on its basis, in accordance with its decision No. 70 of March 1, 2004, as part of the State Committee for Environmental Protection and Forestry of the Republic of Tajikistan, created the State institution "forestry and hunting agency".
In order to improve environmental protection, develop forestry, create fast-growing tree plantations, regulate the lands of the state forest fund and increase forest products, by decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 396 of October 31, 2005, the Forestry development program of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2006-2015 was adopted, which defined the forestry policy of the Republic for the next 10 years.
On the basis of the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 248 dated May 2, 2007 in accordance with article 12 of the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan" and to implement the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated December 28, 2006 No. 591 "on the Ministry of Agriculture and Nature Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan" state institution "Forestry Agency and Hunting" was transformed into the Forestry and Hunting Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture and Nature Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan. During this period, employees of the sphere doubled their activities in the field of protection and protection of forests, construction, restoration and rational use of its resources. At the place of the fisherman of the Dangara district, work has begun on the creation of model forests.
On the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 428 dated February 27, 2008 "on further improvement of the structure of the central executive authorities of the Republic of Tajikistan " and the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 188 dated April 24, 2008 "On the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan" in order to further improve the structure of the central executive authorities of the Republic Tajikistan, The Forestry and Hunting Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture and Nature Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan was transformed into a State institution of forestry and Hunting of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. On the site of Sayyed Dangara district on the area of 818ha, the samonavi forest was erected.
By the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated August 4, 2012 No. 402, the authorized state body in the forest sector was defined and by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated August 4, 2012 No. 403, the authorized state body in the field of specially protected natural forests was defined by the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan
In accordance with article 12 of the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan" and to implement the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 12 dated November 19, 2013 "On improving the structure of the Executive body of State power of the Republic of Tajikistan", the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Forestry Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan was established
25 January 2017 13:00
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