

by Government decree

Republic of Tajikistan

dated February 28, 2014, No. 132

REGULATIONS on the Forestry Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

(as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan dated 02.08.2014 No. 526, dated 01.08.2016 No. 342)

1. General provisions

The Forestry Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan (hereinafter referred to as the Agency) is the central executive authority of the Republic of Tajikistan that performs the functions of developing and implementing a unified state policy, regulatory, legal regulation and public administration in the field of forests, forestry, forest resources, hunting and hunting, flora and fauna, specially protected natural areas. territories, as well as performs the economic functions of the organization of the system and provides state control.
The Agency consists of:
– State Forest and Hunting Inspection, which exercises state control over forest and hunting resources;

– State institution Scientific Research Institute of Forestry, conducting research support;

– state forestry institutions conducting forestry activities on the territory of the State Forest Fund;

– A state institution of specially protected natural territories, under the jurisdiction of which the lands of specially protected territories are located.

The Agency is guided in its activities by the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, constitutional laws, laws, resolutions of the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, international legal acts recognized by the Republic of Tajikistan and this Regulation.
The Agency carries out its activities independently and in cooperation with other central executive authorities, ministries, government departments and local executive bodies of state power and other organizations, as well as individuals and legal entities.
The Agency exercises the following powers in the established field of activity:
a) in the field of development and implementation of a unified state policy:

– development and implementation of sectoral national programs, strategies and concepts in the established sphere, their submission to the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and ensuring supervision over their implementation;

– participation in the development of strategies, concepts and national programs;

– development of draft laws and other regulatory legal acts in the established field, as well as methodological guidelines for the implementation of activities;

– coordination of activities and ensuring the fulfillment of obligations of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan within the framework of conventions, agreements in the established field;

– making proposals to international organizations and foreign countries on the conclusion of contracts, agreements and agreements aimed at preserving forest ecosystems and solving problems of forestry and hunting, specially protected natural areas;

– improving the efficiency of forestry and hunting with the use of modern methods and scientific achievements;

– ensuring the protection, restoration, multifunctional and sustainable use of forest and hunting resources through monitoring, regulation and assistance;

– ensuring sustainable development of forest and hunting development with the involvement of the private and public sectors;

b) in the field of ensuring the regulatory framework:

– development and submission of regulatory legal acts in accordance with the established procedure for approval;

– development and approval of rules, regulations, norms and methods and guidelines ;

– approval of regulations and charters of departments, departments and organizations of the Agency system;

c) in the field of regulation:

– approval of forest management and hunting management plans;

– approval of annual management plans of state institutions of forestry and hunting, State Institution of specially protected Natural Territories, State Institution of the Institute of Forestry;

– determination and approval in accordance with the established procedure of norms and quotas for the use of forest and hunting resources by economic entities, legal entities and individuals, as well as foreign citizens, with the exception of species listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Tajikistan;

– ensuring the conservation, protection, restoration and sustainable use of objects of the animal and plant world in specially protected natural areas through monitoring, regulation and assistance;

– organization and provision of sustainable development of domestic and foreign ecological tourism in recreational forests, nature reserves, nature reserves, historical and natural parks and in the national park;

– coordination of activities and management of organizations of the Agency system;

– ensuring the sustainable use of the state hunting fund assigned to hunting farms by monitoring, regulating and providing assistance;

– ensuring the preservation, restoration and sustainable use of the state hunting fund, which is not secured for hunting farms, through monitoring, regulation and assistance;

– issuance of a state hunting certificate to individuals;

– wearing uniforms with insignia in accordance with the established procedure, carrying and storing service weapons by officials and state forest and hunting inspectors;

– preparation of acts and protocols with the definition of damage and fine in relation to violators of forest and hunting legislation;

– supervision of the activities of forest owners, hunting farms and specially protected natural areas;

– conclusion of contracts with hunting users for the right to conduct hunting activities;

– issuance of licenses for activities related to forest and hunting resources and specially protected natural territories, including species of flora and fauna listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Tajikistan;

– certification of employees of organizations of the Agency system;

– conducting control checks of financial and accounting activities of institutions, enterprises and organizations of the Agency system;

– control over the targeted use of funds by state institutions and organizations of the Agency system;

– attracting investments, grants and other assistance for the implementation of national and regional strategies, programs;

– organization and management of funds and special funds in accordance with the established procedure;

– interaction with ministries, government departments, local executive bodies of state power, as well as with other legal entities and individuals;

– participation and implementation of international cooperation in the field of forestry and hunting, specially protected natural areas, fulfillment of obligations under signed agreements;

– submission, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan, of proposals to the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on the organization, reorganization and liquidation of institutions and organizations of the Agency system;

– acceptance of reports from forest and hunting farms, the State Institution of Specially Protected Natural Territories and the Scientific Research Institute of Forestry;

– preparation, in accordance with the established procedure, of proposals to the state authorized body for the management of state property for the write-off of fixed assets of institutions, enterprises and organizations of the Agency system;

– provision of methodological, technical and financial assistance on issues of conservation, protection, restoration and multifunctional and sustainable use of forest and hunting resources and specially protected natural areas;

– assistance in the development of management plans for forest and hunting farms, specially protected natural territories;

– assistance in the development of new methods, modern technologies and mechanisms in conducting research;

– together with scientific institutions and other organizations, including public and international, training and advanced training of employees of the central office and organizations of the Agency system;

– organization of forest management and hunting management;

– organization of monitoring of the state of forest and hunting resources on the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan, objects of flora and fauna in specially protected natural territories;

– organization and execution of work on inter-farm hunting management;

d) in the field of information:

– collection and provision of information at the national, regional and international levels;

– organization of explanatory works, holding competitions, exhibitions, conferences, seminars and fairs on the effective and sustainable use of forest and hunting resources, forest and hunting management, specially protected natural territories;

– informing executive bodies of state power, economic entities, public organizations and the population about the state and use of forest and hunting resources;

– implementation of publishing and information activities in the field of forestry and hunting, specially protected natural areas;

– preparation of statistical and other reports, their submission to the relevant authorities;

e) in the field of seed production of forest plants:

– determination of the procedure for the functioning of the seed production system, seed production and processing, organization and use of the seed insurance fund, seed certification, issuance of certificates confirming the variety and quality of seeds;

– submission of proposals to the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on seed-growing regions and specialized farms;

– creation of the State Fund of Seeds of Forest Plants;

– control over varieties and quality of seeds;

: 27.11.2024 13:05


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