Forestry Department

Management on the basis of the structure of the Agency's central office, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated 28.02.2014 No. 132 is called the "forestry Department" of the Agency, includes the development and control of the implementation of regulatory legal acts, the development and supervision of the implementation of state strategies and programs, the development and coordination of drafts of relevant regulatory legal acts, consideration of letters and requests of legal entities persons, as well as written and oral complaints of citizens and feeds and consists of the following tasks: :

a) in the direction of the development of regulatory legal acts:

- development and implementation of state and sectoral programs, strategies and concepts for the comprehensive development of forests and their submission to the Forestry Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan;

- participation in the development of laws and other regulatory legal acts in the established field, as well as methodological instructions for the implementation of activities;

- development together with the state institution “Scientific Research Institute of Forestry” of guidelines, rules and recommendations on logging, forest cadastre, accounting of seedlings (inventory), forest fund project, logging book.

b) in the field of construction, restoration, forest care and science:

- ensuring the restoration and sustainable use of forest resources by establishing control and regulation;

- development and submission of annual plans for reforestation and reforestation in the state of forestry and nurseries for approval by the Forestry Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan;

- ensuring control over the implementation of construction and reforestation plans in forestry and nurseries;

- control over the implementation of the forecast of production of the main products of forestry by types of products in forestry and nurseries

- together with the state institution of the Scientific Research Institute of Forestry, conducting research and improving the level of knowledge of forest industry workers:

- to request, in accordance with the established procedure, information from forestry and nurseries on logging, forest care, nurseries, seed preparation, planting in the nursery:

c) forest protection

require the agency's forestry systems, in accordance with established procedures, to implement forestry plans for profitability, offenses, fire-fighting assistance and pest control:

- develop an action plan for the management to improve the protection of forests from violations and submit them for approval:

- drawing up acts and protocols on violations in the jungle against individuals and legal entities and taking measures to recover the amount of damage and a fine:

- controls the wearing of industry-specific clothing with distinctive features from the fodder of the state forest protection:

- provides guidance and control over the activities of employees of the state forest protection in the farms of the agency system.

- takes measures on compliance with the rules of interval felling, keeping records of trees for felling, correct preparation of cutting documents for obtaining a chubtayerization outfit:

d) in agriculture, forest reserves and medicinal plants:

- control of ensuring the implementation of production plans in the field of animal husbandry, beekeeping, harvesting of samruya fruits, medicinal and low-budget plants:

- organization of the collection of forest products and medicinal plants, seed and stone fruits.

- receiving reports on animal husbandry, beekeeping, forestry, medicinal and low-income plants, crops and their products from the agency's subordinate farms.

- control and organization of preparation, as well as preparation for the wintering of livestock, breeding and reserving of zouroki for livestock in the agency's subordinate farms.

- conducting annual accounting of livestock and beekeeping in the agency's subordinate farms.

- conducting works and supervising the use of arable lands of the state forest fund in the agency's subordinate farms.

- receiving data, reports and newsletters from subordinate farms of the Agency for Agriculture, collecting and submitting them to the management.

- development and implementation of measures to improve agriculture, animal husbandry, beekeeping and vegetable growing.

e). In the field of mechanization and capital construction

- monitoring of the working condition of technicians in the agency's subordinate farms.

- supervision of the repair of administrative offices, warehouses and other buildings and structures in the agency's subordinate farms.

- conducting inspections of the efficiency of electricity use and the health of buildings and structures from fire.

- participation in the annual inventory of technical equipment, buildings and structures of the agency's subordinate farms.

- preparation for wintering of buildings, structures, farms and barracks of animal husbandry in the agency's subordinate farms.

- checking the cost estimates in the course of unfinished construction in the agency's subordinate farms.

- checking the state of attacks on occupational safety and health equipment in the agency's subordinate farms.

- receiving reports from farms on mechanization, capital construction and civil defense.

- assistance to the agency's subordinate farms in carrying out measures on labor protection and safety.

- accounting of technical means and write-off of worn-out shade, the use of which in production is impossible.

- taking the necessary measures to unbalance the farms of worn-out non-working shade, the restoration of which is impossible, and submitting it to the state property management.

The Department consists of a chief, a deputy chief, chief specialists (9 divisions) and leading specialists (4 divisions).
: 27.11.2024 13:05


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