HR and Law Department

Personnel policy is the most important and main direction of the state's activity, it plays a key role in measures of domestic and foreign policy, as well as in the functions and responsibilities of the state. This is a set of political, economic, social and legal measures of the state, the philosophy of which consists of scientific and practical management of human, intellectual and labor resources. This policy should begin with the highest State bodies and reach the lowest levels of organizations and institutions.

In turn, its correct implementation enables the state in a certain historical period to proudly solve the tasks assigned to it for the benefit of the state and society.

Therefore, this issue is constantly in the focus of attention of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, especially the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, dear Emomali Rahmon, and numerous moral and social measures are taken annually for his practical activities.

As the Founder of Peace and National Unity, the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, dear Emomali Rahmon, put it in his messages to the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan: "more attention should be paid to highly qualified, educated personnel with a deep professional and political outlook, organizational and business abilities, managerial skills, as well as responsible, patriotic, linguistic and modern technologies.

In this process, serious attention should be paid to the issue of choosing among young people, gifted and educated women and girls and promoting them to leadership and responsible positions."

The main source of the Personnel Department's activity is, first of all, the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, which guaranteed the right of every person and citizen to work, choice of profession and work, labor protection, social protection, wages, prohibition of any restrictions in labor relations, as well as education in higher professional institutions.

The concept of the State personnel policy of the Republic of Tajikistan, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan dated December 31, 2008, No. 582, is the rule of conduct of our daily activities, since this act includes a set of ideas and ideas defining goals and objectives, priority areas, principles of state regulation of personnel policy and ways to provide the state with highly qualified personnel.

Along with this, the norms of the Labor Code of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Labor Protection", the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Public Service", standard instructions on office work in state bodies, institutions, enterprises and other organizations of the Republic of Tajikistan are approved daily by important and fundamental strategic state acts on issues of work with personnel, the personnel department and law Tajikistan, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated July 28, 2017,  No. 358 "on the standard manual on office work in state bodies, institutions, enterprises and other organizations of the Republic of Tajikistan"., decides the source of its activities.

In these documents, especially in the job descriptions of the HR and Law Department, the main tasks of the HR policy implementation department are clearly defined, which in detail consist of:

- selection and placement of administrative and managerial, technical, auxiliary, service and economic personnel;

- registration of the constitutional rights of an employee to work, including admission and dismissal from work, transfer to another job, answers to them, registration of documents of employees for official trips, enrollment for training, internship and advanced training, maintaining personal files and workbooks of employees and timely filling in the necessary information, providing industry and state awards, providing reference books for the necessary places.

The actual statistical list of personnel of the Agency's central office, managerial personnel, structural staff, auxiliary, service and economic personnel was clearly and clearly defined, as of May 10, 2018, 37 employees work in the Agency's central office, of which 3 are senior staff, 7 are heads of management, departments and divisions, and 26 areother specialists.

The number of men is 29, and women - 8.

The Agency's employees are young people under the age of 35, the number of which reaches 19 people, work and work.

The job description of employees clearly sets out the general rules, rights, duties and responsibilities of employees.

It should be noted that in relation to the job descriptions of the Agency's employees, the Personnel and Law Department, as well as the employment contract (contract) on employment, it is drawn up and approved in the cases of employees.

The contract provides for the activities of managing employees (management, departments and divisions), the activities of technical workers, such as their wages, allowances and overtime, the payment procedure, their benefits, the order of work: hourly and hourly wages, labor receipts, rights and obligations and other related issues.

The issue of recruitment and placement of personnel of the central office, organizations and institutions of the forestry agency system is serious and real and forces the Personnel and Law department, like other agency structures, to qualitatively update the level and quality of personnel services for employees of this institution. This department should not be a supervisor of the execution of regulatory legal acts in the field of labor, discipline of employees, timely arrival to work and the implementation of technical functions, but a living structure of the employee, seriously and creatively approach the activities of employees and assist management in the selection of personnel.

In accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for holding a competition for vacant administrative positions of the civil service, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan dated March 10, 2016, No. 647, contests are held at the agency, and employees are transferred to work.

It should also be noted that prior to this period, the agency held competitions with the direct participation of responsible representatives of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Civil Service Agency under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.
: 27.11.2024 13:05


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